"After the initial presentation there will be a short slide show out lining all of our possible sex options for tonight."
Here's the leftovers...
Did I mention I’m talking a public speaking class?
I’m an auctioneer, and I had to come straight from work.
Would you like our special “Dinning Alone Menu”?
Wow, picturing the audience in their underwear really isn’t making things easier in this case.
And here's this weeks nominees

"So Why did you leave Red Lobster?"*
"I guess we have a deal, but we don't have to shake on it."
"So you think you're ready for the corner tank?"
I entered...
"I’ve looked over your resume and qualification, and I’m happy to say that I’ve chosen you to be my dinner."
* My first leftover caption was...
"May I ask why you left Red Lobster?"
Guess that was the obvious one.
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