Times up! First off I just want to encourage each and everyone of you that entered my fake New Yorker caption contest to enter the real
New Yorker caption contest(not that I want the competition). You all did an amazing job coming up with very funny captions to a drawing that had no original joke in mind when it was drawn. And now the moment we've all been waiting for, the two runners up in the first Dan's fake caption contest are...

"Bad dog! This is why we can't have nice torture dungeons."
Submitted by Chuck
"Well... at least now we can be alone."
Submitted by Doug Cox
And the winner is...
"What girl? -- Timmy fell in the threshing machine?!"
Submitted by Starchie Spudnoggen
This was so much fun I plan on doing it again every so often in the future!
Thanks for playing!
Just like the real New Yorker caption contest, the unfunny ones win.
just kidding. I'm just bitter because I can't even get selected for a fake new yorker cartoon contest!
Thanks Dan,
And, I concur with your winning selection ... that was my favorite.
But, was it wise to not include one of Babe Scanlon's entries among the runner-ups?
Finally, I watched and (more importantly) listened to the director's commentary for "Mater and the Ghostlight" as I watched the Pixar Shorts Collection on BluRay this past weekend.
Thanks for giving us that little gem -- it has to be the longest Pixar short to date.
Still, I'm so glad that Pixar continues to support the shorts -- they're as enjoyable and as great as the features.
Sorry Josh, you win the life time acheivement award for your many entries.
mnmears, Thanks, that short was a lot of fun to work on with the big man. If you have a bluray player you should check out the cars DVD. I did a lot of work on the car finder game, that I still haven't heard myself. Also Steve and I contribute on a commentary track that I think is on there as well.
...And yes, I love that they are still doing shorts too!
Hey, it was that little marketing ploy to get the BluRay McQueen that prompted my purchase of the player.
I've viewed the BluRay version of "Cars," but only a bit of its supplemental material.
After seeing both regular DVDs played on the Sony BluRay DVD unit and BluRay titles like "20 Million Miles to Earth," "The Searchers" and others, I'm glad I made the investment.
It'll be interesting to see if "Finding Nemo" BluRay is any better that the standard DVD release played on our Sony BluRay unit -- because I find it hard to believe that it could LOOK any better.
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