You know those "brilliant" thoughts you have in the morning right before you wake up that turn out to be stupid by lunch time, those are morning thoughts, and I had this one today...
I thought it would be funny this morning to do an open mic stand up comedy act where you subtly suggest that a major news event has accrued in the last hour that no one knows about yet; all the while making jokes about it while keeping the whole made thing very vague. Here’s an example.
“Hey everybody! So wow, what a difference and hour can make, huh? Can you believe what’s going on? I mean after all those years of campaigning on change, this isn’t exactly the change we had in mind, am I right? I mean, who’s the presidents adviser, Heidi and Spencer? But seriously, they’re shooting all of this for a Fox reality show called, “ I’m an American President Get Me Out of Here!”
At this point I would hope that people would start whispering, “What the hell is he talking about?”. I'd just continue with, “To think an hour ago, Joe Biden was all like, ‘Maybe I’ll take tomorrow off for a long weekend’, and now he’s all like, ‘Shit, my calendar just got jacked!”
At this point I'd hope people might start calling out, “What happen?” or “What the hell are you talking about?!” I'd just ignore them saying,“Please, I worked really hard to get these jokes together this fast, I know they’re not great but what do you expect this JUST happened!” If they got more irate, or begged to know more, I’d say, “You’re right, this was a bad idea. It’s too soon to be joking about this, I’ll just go back to my regular act, and then I'd say, "So, what’s the deal with Spaghetti and meat balls?”