Monday, August 27, 2012

This Week's New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.
"I think your husband is having us followed."

Here are the leftovers...

I brought protection.

I told you I had a Private Dick.

Here's this week's nominees...

"Any stiffness?"
Submitted by Ryan Scott Misener
 Tampa, Fla.

"Sorry about the wait."
Submitted by Bob Howard
 Eugene, Ore.

"Any family history with death?" 
Submitted by Stephanie Nilva
New York, N.Y.

I entered...
"Since your last visit it looks like you've lost 21 grams."

1 comment:

Davis said...

I had "Now this is a private eye." Can't wait to see what came through. Your blog is terrific by the way.

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