Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays

...from Caveat Productions, and the Scanlon Family...

* I'm pretty sure this card is only funny if you know that this is what we really look like...

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Semi-Imperfect Role Model for Superheroes and Other Super Things ("Have no fear, imagination is here!"©) ♡™ said...

Whoooooohhhhh!!! Cleverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...damn that is funny --It is a good thing you posted the second pic for strangers...these were my first thoughts...(hope you find them amusing): "Whoa she's got grey?! He loves her at least, they seem close. Shesh he's old, I should show him more respect, be less familiar. Wow, how could they have aged that much since their banner photo? Maybe its not too late for them to adopt. ...He's East European? How strange this is..."

LOL so much for reading clever blogs of strangers. --I check in every once in a while after your "morning thought" about the standup comic pseudo event.

doesn't say very much for what seems to be floating around my consciousness a non-PC snapshot rorschach test...reenforced my perception of myself as one of the more naive people in the universe...yet again (should have known better after the "found caricatures" and mall model headshot replacements. Shesh.) Very funny.

I will be prepared next time!!!

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