"I remember when this was all swampland."
Here's the leftovers...
I wish I'd brought my favorite stop sign instead of this record.
They just ran over the bottle.
This island use to be so deserted.
This week's nominee...

"I finally bagged this monster after three days of bidding on eBay."
Submitted by Mike Harrington
Prairie Village, Kans.
"I only use this room when I'm sentimental for obliteration."
Submitted by Jamie Reynolds
Sisters, Ore.
"It put up quite a fight, but then it ran out of gas."
Submitted by John Blumenthal
Rye, N.Y.
I entered...
"These are extinct now."
They just ran over thr bottle made me laugh
"They just ran over the bottle" is definitely a good one.
I believe my submission for the tank on the wall was..
"Wow! Those drywall anchors are amazing!".
I never win either. Try our caption contest at http://humorq.com where members score every caption and we put a number on how funny you are.
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