"There's an invisible car outside with it's lights on."
Here are the leftovers...
I'll have a Kryptonite and soda.
There's a star covered red and yellow multi-wheeled vehicle blocking my car.
Sorry, I thought this was a secret identity bar.
Here are this week's nominees...

“I wish I could help you, but I'm a real-estate lawyer.”
Submitted by Tricia Bacon
Alexandria, Va.
“I know this seems weird, but even as a cub I could feel the rush of Wall Street racing through my veins.”
Submitted by James C. Czumak
Merritt Island, Fla.
“If you can't eat 'em, join 'em.”
Submitted by Arthur M. Rogers, Jr.
Lake Wales, Fla.
I entered...
"It hasn't been easy adapting to life outside."
Have you won any of these yet?
Bartender leans over to his friend and says," Avengers superheroes movie was on at the theatre tonight". His friends says, "Super!"
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